Bake element ctp for a view [RESOLVED]

Hi !

I’m currently creating a bake template for generating a simple search form + result list in CakePHP 3.6

i would like to have this kind of structure :

  • Element
    • [ControllerName]
      • form.ctp
      • list.ctp
  • [ControllerName]
    • index.ctp

inside index.ctp i could use
{% element ‘form’ %}
but it’s not what i want …
i would like that bake generate the 2 elements (based on bake element template ?) directly and my template in index would be to call $this-element …etc …

i think i should use the Event for generating the files but i’m not sure it is the right solution

Thx for your help

for whose who seek to know how to do it , i found the time to make this :

in the bootstrap.php of your Theme :

EventManager::instance()->on('Bake.beforeRender.Template.edit', function (Event $event) {

// we should render form_add before
Tools::renderTemplateElement($event, 'form_add');


and the source code of the method :

 * @param Event $event
 * @param $element
 * @return bool
public static function renderTemplateElement(Event $event, $element): bool

    /** @var \Bake\View\BakeView $view */
    $view = $event->getSubject();

    $pluginModel = $view->viewVars['modelClass'];
    $plugin = $view->viewVars['plugin'];
    $theme = $view->theme;

    /** @var \Cake\ORM\Table $model */
    $model = TableRegistry::get($pluginModel);

    $modelName = $model->getAlias();
    $connectionName = $model->getConnection()->configName();

    $argv = [
        '../Element/' . $element,
        '-f'    // force

    $runner = new CommandRunner(new Application(rtrim(CONFIG, DS)), 'cake');

    // move file to element folder
    $pluginPath = current(App::path('Template', $plugin)); // with slash at the end
    $controllerFolder = $modelName . DS;
    $elementFolder = 'Element' . DS . $modelName . DS;
    $ext = '.ctp';

    $oldFile = $pluginPath . $controllerFolder . $element . $ext;

    $elementObj = new Folder($pluginPath . $elementFolder, true);
    $newFile = $elementObj->path . $element . $ext;

    return rename($oldFile, $newFile);

if you have any question, don’t hesitate :slight_smile: