I’m creating a custom bake template and I’d like to fetch DB table column type, and comments on a controller file location: Template\Bake\Element\Controller\index.twig , when I’m using code {% set fields = Bake.filterFields(fields, schema, modelObj) %} which I’ve found on a file Template\Bake\Element\form.twig , it is returning errors showing fields, schema are NULL.
CakePHP v3.8.2 and Bake v1.x.
Can someone please assist how I can fetch DB table column type, and comments on a controller file? Since I want to add a FIELDS ARRAY in a recordSet generated by Bake command.
The Controller command doesn’t set the schema or its columns for the view, you’d have to obtain that on your own via the table object ( modelObj ), either inside of your template:
{% set schema = modelObj.getSchema() %}
{% set fields = schema.columns() %}
{% set fields = Bake.filterFields(fields, schema, modelObj) %}
or by using an event listener for the Bake.beforeRender.Controller.controller event, which is being dispatched before a controller template is being rendered, and will allow you access to the view and its variables:
// in config/bootstrap_cli.php
use Cake\Event\Event;
use Cake\Event\EventManager;
function (Event $event) {
/** @var \Cake\View\View $view */
$view = $event->getSubject();
/** @var \Cake\ORM\Table $table */
$table = $view->get('modelObj');
$schema = $table->getSchema();
$fields = $schema->columns();
$view->set(compact('schema', 'fields'));