Please, I need a help with the bake customisation. Probably is something basic, but I was not able to find out this information/explanation.
I am using BAKE to create the basic CRUD and then, I am doing some custom. I would like to know where and how to change (for e.g.) the add.php view (template).
On the sourcefile I have the from with the code:
echo $this->Form->control('fkconid');
If I open this (add.php) page and go to look the generated code, I have:
<div class="input number required">
<label for="fkconid">Fkconid</label>
<input type="number" name="fkconid" required="required" data-validity-message="This field cannot be left empty" oninvalid="this.setCustomValidity(''); if (!this.value) this.setCustomValidity(this.dataset.validityMessage)" oninput="this.setCustomValidity('')" id="fkconid" value="1"/>
I would like to customise the form code above. Please, could someone help me?
P.S.: I also will need to customise the layout page as I am using the AdminLTE3.
My environment:
CakePHP 4.0.3
PHP 7.2.4
AdminLTE 3