How to migrate cakephp 2.6 models to cakephp 3.8?

I read the cakephp documentation but can’t find a way to migrate the models from my 2.6 Application to cakephp 3.8. I want to migrate my app, but the new model structure is completely diferent.
I have a model called Aluno that references a table alunos in my database with this content:


class Aluno extends AppModel{
        public $name = 'Alunos';
        public $order = 'Aluno.aluno ASC';
        public $validate = array(
    'aluno' => array(
        'required' => true
        public $belongsTo = array(
	      'Cidade' => array(
	      	'className' => 'Cidade',
	         'foreignKey' => 'cidade_id',
	         'fields' => array('','nome','estado_id'),
	         'conditions' => array(),
	         'order' => array('' => 'ASC'),
	         'dependent' => true
        'Bairro' => array(
	      	'className' => 'Bairro',
	         'foreignKey' => 'bairro_id',
	         'fields' => array('','Bairro.nomebairro'),
	         'conditions' => array(),
	         'order' => array('' => 'ASC'),
	         'dependent' => true
        'Sexo' => array(
	      	'className' => 'Sexo',
	         'foreignKey' => 'sexo_id',
	         'fields' => array('','Sexo.sexo'),
	         'conditions' => array(),
	         'order' => array('' => 'ASC'),
	         'dependent' => true
        'Naciopai' => array(
	      	'className' => 'Nacionalidade',
	         'foreignKey' => 'nacionalidade_id',
	         'fields' => array('','Naciopai.nome'),
	         'conditions' => array(),
	         'order' => array('' => 'ASC'),
	         'dependent' => true
        'Naciomae' => array(
	      	'className' => 'Nacionalidade',
	         'foreignKey' => 'nacionalidade2_id',
	         'fields' => array('','nome'),
	         'conditions' => array(),
	         'order' => array('' => 'ASC'),
	         'dependent' => true
	      'Cor' => array(
	      	'className' => 'Cor',
	         'foreignKey' => 'cor_id',
	         'fields' => array('','Cor.cor'),
	         'conditions' => array(),
	         'order' => array('Cor.cor' => 'ASC'),
	         'dependent' => true
	       'EscolaTransporte' => array(
	      	'className' => 'EscolaTransporte',
	         'foreignKey' => 'escola_transporte_id',
	         'fields' => array('','EscolaTransporte.transpescola'),
	         'conditions' => array(),
	         'order' => array('EscolaTransporte.transpescola' => 'ASC'),
	         'dependent' => true
	      'User' => array(
	      	'className' => 'User',
	         'foreignKey' => 'User_id',
	         'fields' => array('','User.nome', 'User.username'),
	         'conditions' => array(),
	         'order' => array('User.nome' => 'ASC'),
	         'dependent' => true)


How can I migrate this to 3.8 model format?

P.S.- Sorry for my bad english…


Migrating from Cake 2 to 3 esp. on database related code (tables) takes a lot of work. There’s no automated, easy solution.

There’s an upgrade tool that can do the easy things like rearrange file structure and add namespaces, but converting your validation rules, for example, is a fully manual process.

Thanks for help.
My old strucure has incompatible code with PHP 7, so I decided to rewrite the code from 0, but the bake app help me to acelerate the process…