Convert cakephp2 join to 3


What is the most effective way to convert cakephp2 join to cakephp3 ? I have the models setup but I dont know what the best way is even after reading

    $joins = array(
        array('table' => 'lessons_students',
            'alias' => 'LessonsStudent',
            'type' => 'LEFT',
            'conditions' => array(
            ' = LessonsStudent.lesson_id',
            array('table' => 'students',
            'alias' => 'Student',
            'type' => 'LEFT',
            'conditions' => array(
             array('table' => 'subjects',
                    'alias' => 'Subject',
                    'type' => 'LEFT',
                    'conditions' => array(
		'table' => 'tutors',
		'alias' => 'Tutor',
		'type' => 'LEFT',
		'conditions' => array(
		'Lesson.tutor_id ='
    $fieldoptions = array( 'Lesson.lesson_date', 'Lesson.start_time', 'Lesson.end_time', '','Lesson.lesson_inactive',
       // get all lessons on the day
      $condionoptions = array('Lesson.lesson_inactive' => 0,'Lesson.makeup_lesson' => 0,'Lesson.forefit' => 0,
          'Lesson.makeup_lesson_expired' => false, 'Lesson.lesson_date' =>   $lessonStartDate, '' =>  $studentId,
      $orderoptions =array('Lesson.start_time'=> 'ASC');             

	 'conditions'=> $condionoptions,
         'recursive' =>-1,
            'order'=> $orderoptions,

In the LessionsTable, set a BelongsToMany associantion between Lessons and Studants, and a BelongsTo associantion between Lesson and Subjects and Lesson and Tutors.

Later you use contain to retrieve the associations

yes I know this but my question is how to write the join I gave in cakephp3