How to install Cakephp version 2.10.13 in Cent os 7

Hi Friends,

I am trying to install cakephp 2.10.13 version , but If I use this
composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app javatpoint ,
When I run above it will install recent cakephp version it seems
Can anyone please help me with this

Check this git link

You can direct download source file from here.

I think it will help you

Thanks debendra, I will look into it

@debendra986 I have another query I am having cakephp version 2.10.13 and php 7.3.8 app in linux cent os server now we are moving that app into the new linux cent os 7 server so what is the procedure to do it?
I have googled but none of the article is actually helping me out
Can you please help me with this?

zip your cakephp file and db
after move to new server set your server apache and php modules
then put your file and db

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Cake 2.10 does not support PHP 7


  • HTTP Server. For example: Apache. mod_rewrite is preferred, but by no means required.
  • PHP 5.3.0 or greater (CakePHP version 2.6 and below support PHP 5.2.8 and above). CakePHP version 2.8.0 and above support PHP 7. To use PHP above 7.1 you may need to install mcrypt via PECL. See Security for more information.

Source: Installation - 2.x

Right in what you quoted:

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was just wondering about your answer, then i read my answer again and started laughing about myself. you are right and i have obvisiouly some problems in ordering version numbers:-)
time for weekend:-)

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Thanks Debendra i will follow the above procedure

Thanks dirk for the insights