Help with our website

Our website is made in cakephp which is really intertwined with smf 1.1.21
We have 2 wishes to upgrade our website and they are

  1. become repsonsive
  2. upgrade smf to 2.0.11

The problem we face is when we upgrade from smf 1 tot smf 2 the main page won’t even load anymore
and because the guy who made the cakephp shell isn’t around anymore we don’t know where to look

is there anyone who can give us pointers of where to look or is even interested in helping to upgrade the site?

thanks in advance



I think you should contact CakeDC, They are the commercial entity behind the framework and offer expert consultancy, development and training services for CakePHP.

This open source platform/forum is a great place to find help for specific issues that you have had a go at and are struggling to get working, in which case please be sure to add your query and your code so someone can help you if they can!

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