When I’m connected on Wordpress and I go on CakePhp I want get the wordpress connexion inside CakePhp
On the AppController I want import the wp-load.php but I have an error
Fatal error : Cannot redeclare __() (previously declared in C:\wamp64\www\POC\wordpress-cakephp\cake\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\I18n\functions.php:26) in C:\wamp64\www\POC\wordpress-cakephp\wordpress\wp-includes\l10n.php on line 249
I have no solution for pass this error
I don’t want touch the wordpress core or cake lib.
Wow, maybe i’m wrong but i thinks that’s not as easy … you’ll have to deal with redundant class names for sure.
I did this type of frankensteinisation with wp and prestashop and had a lot of troubles with those.
What is your goal exactly ? will you have to authenticate users in both frameworks ?
I have 2 parties on my WebSite Blog / Pages and Others cutsom application with CakePhp. I want use wordpress for the blog and cake for the others apps.
But my user are on wordpress and for access to the others application . I need authentification
You may have to copy only particular bits of the WP authentication code (read the session cookie, extract the data you need, find the matching record in the WP database) into your own application, rather than importing it wholesale.