I’m struggling to understand user authentication in CakePHP 5 - in particular LDAP authentication (using Active Directory).
I can’t seem to find any documentation/examples for LDAP on CakePHP v5. I have the local user auth working as per the example in the Cake documentation, but don’t really understand what I need to get ldap auth implemented correctly.
I have ldap working on my current project using 3.8, but seems this will no longer work…Not being a full time dev and having a lot of time to spend on this between jobs is not helping things!
Any help appreciated in pointing me in the right direction!
The Authentication Plugin already has a LDAP Identifier present.
So all you really should need is to add the Identifier to your AuthenticationService:
$service->loadIdentifier('Authentication.Ldap', [
'fields' => [
'username' => 'username',
'password' => 'password'
'host' => 'ldap.mydomain.com',
'port' => '389',
'bindDN' => function($username) {
return 'uid='.$username.',DC=example,DC=com';
'options' => [LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION => 3]
or something alike
Thanks for the reply and pointing me in the right direction.
I do actually have code in there now as MS CoPilot actually suggested something very similar (where nothing else made sense…) But it’s still not working - but I will try and spend some time on it soon and have a play with the code - at least I could see traffic going to the AD server at during login attempts - so fingers crossed it’s just sometime silly I’ve missed.
Thanks Kevin, will take a look.