Problem with url in plugin's templates in Cakephp 4


I’m creating a plugin in Cakephp 4 for CRUD email alias through my webhosting’s API (OVH API).

My plugin OvhManager uses prefix Admin and contains :

  • EmailAliasController
  • templates index, add, edit

The layout used to render this templates is the App’s one (named admin-layout and outside of my plugin).

When I follow a route of my plugin (e.g /admin/ovh-manager/email-alias/index), all the links in the layout are wrong because they all have 'plugin' => 'OvhManager' automatically added.

I could add 'plugin' => null to all the links of the layout but it seems a hard work to me.

Is there a better way to disable plugin in the links generated in the layout ?

For example is there a way in my EMailAliasController::beforeFilter() to tell to use admin-layout but without adding the plugin OvhManager to the routes ?