Plugins prefixes and routes confusion

I was busy making a plugin and got confused about the router and prefix system. And the consistency of using uppercase and lowercase to reach the actual paths.

use Cake\Routing\Route\DashedRoute;

    ['path' => '/Myplugin'],
    function ($routes) {

$routes->prefix('Admin', function ($routes) {
        ['path' => '/Myplugin'],
        function ($routes) {

when go to url http://localhost/Myplugin/somecontroller It show error missing need to use http://localhost/myplugin/somecontroller can reach

when go to url http://localhost/admin/myplugin/somecontroller can not reach, need to use http://localhost/admin/Myplugin/somecontroller

Is this the difference between fallbacks Inflicted route and dashedroutes that the case sensitive is different?