Move Cake 2.7.0 to new Ubuntu 16.04 Server

Hi Cake makers,

Our previous hosting was infected and we’ve had to move.

Cake is integrated with Wordpress.

Wordpress loads OK but Cake exhibits error’s such as CSS not loading or page not found.

I’m sure this is to do with adding an entry to apache2 config files.
I’ve tried various different combinations but all seems to fail.

path -> /var/www/htm/dashboard/app/webroot

I’ve placed entries in apache2.conf and sites-available and sites-enabled in /etc/apache2 but all have failed.

Any ideas or nudge in the right direction.

If you need more info i’ll be more than happy to provide

Look forward to any replies.


J (Beginner Caker :slight_smile:


sorry for that question, but have you reloaded/restarted apache after the changes?

If this does not help:

  1. Which PHP-version are you using?
  2. How does apache interact with PHP running cake?
  3. How are the permissions/owners of the files/folders inside the webroot-folder?
  4. Have you done any changes to cakephp’s router-class?
  5. What do the logfiles (apache, php, cake) say?

Did you emptied the cache folders?