Error with last version of Chrome only : the entire site doesn't display

Hi everybody,

I have the following error on my website, only with Chrome, and only since they change the version 2 months ago :

“error on line 1 at column 39: XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document” (see screenshot).

I don’t see anything wrong in my html (if I look at the code in another navigator, say Mozilla, here is how the code starts :

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="fr">  <head>
      <meta charset="utf-8">

I suppose something is send to Chrome before the start of my HTML? How to know what is sent prior to my html?

It’s on every page of my website so I think maybe it has something to do with the following files : index.php, webroot/index.php,, bootstrap.php, AppController.php.

But I haven’t found the problem so far, and I’m loosing traffic…

Please help if you have any idea…

Somehow, your server responds with this when using Chrome:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response><name>Not Found</name><url>/</url></response>

Also, I do want to point some things out (they might not cause the issue but are definitely worth looking into):

  • Nginx is running on 1.2.1 (which is from 2012)
  • PHP is running on 5.4.4-14 (also from 2012)