Enable OpenId Authentication For Mobile - CakePHP 3.5

Hi All,

I am developing a website in CakePHP 3.5. I have another website built in .Net and this has a mobile application both iOS and Android so that use can logged in and see their report (using the webservice developed and provided by .Net).

Now I require to enable OpenId at my website developed in CakePHP 3.5. Using this open Id mobile users can be validated and logged into the App.

Can anyone suggest me how to enable or develop OpenId protocol similar to Facebook and Google (these are the OpenId service providers).

Can anyone suggest me how to enable or develop OpenId protocol similar to Facebook and Google (these are the OpenId service providers).

You seem to be confusing Oauth with OpenID. Facebook and Google are OAuth providers not OpenId. (Google did provide OpenId in the past but it’s deprecated / not recommend anymore AFAIK).

So first figure one which one you actually need.

If you need an OAuth server then check GitHub - uafrica/oauth-server: OAuth Server

That said, assuming your mobile apps use a REST API to communicate with your app, and easier option would be just using JWT for authentication instead of OAuth. For that you can checkout GitHub - ADmad/cakephp-jwt-auth: A CakePHP plugin for authenticating using JSON Web Tokens

Hi ADmad,

Thanks for your quick response. Actually I am looking for a plugin in CakePHP 3.x using that our server can provide OpenId Connect protocol for users, means I want to be a Open Id Connect provider same as Google or Facebook so that other web service providers can consume my webservices / APIs to authenticate my users for their portal registration/login.

So, I would really appreciate if one can suggest me for an easy and working library of PHP.