Hello there! I got these 2 errors and want to see how to ssolve them, Im creating a simple login page. Using my web host (1 and 1) along with the CakeDC plugins for it:
Method App\View\Helper\UserHelper::socialLoginList does not exist [ CORE/src/View/Helper.php , line 139 ]
implode() [<a href=‘https://secure.php.net/function.implode’>function.implode</a>]: Invalid arguments passed
Also how do I connect a register and logout page to this using the CakeDC plugins?
First of all, you would get replies a lot sooner if you make titles more directly involving the issue (eg. UserHelper::socialLoginList does not exist for CakeDC Users plugin).
Second of all, we can’t really help you out without knowing what you’re code is (try debugging your code with your screen off and you’ll understand).
I’m just gonna make a very rough estimation, but I think that for some reason, your app doesn’t load the UserHelper.php file properly, this causes the implode() in login.ctp to throw an error as well since it doesn’t know what the return value of $this->User->socialLoginList(); is.
Did you load the plugin in your bootstrap.php file?
Hey there!
First off Im totally sory for not being more distinct in regards to my thread title. I did what you told me and the message still hasn’t cleared . What Im going to do is reach out to my webhost and see if they can help me with my issue. Thanks again for your help