I’m a newbee with Cakephp and learning a lot this week.
Also the 2 traning sessions from cakedc are very good to follow.
But what is the best way to implement bootstrap 4.
If you build everything by hand yes then is it straightforward as with codeigniter or flask for example.
The strenght of baking is that it’s do good work with very little work.
But if i baked an app and i do change the styling and later i baked the app for the second time with changes i think i lose all the custom changes by hand right?
For cakephp 4 are the tuts very minimal.
So what is the best solution for this “implementing bootstrap 4 in cakephp 4 including baking”.
Links for solutions are very welkom.
In Holland we must stay at home so time and trying code is not a problem haha.