I would like to base a project I have on the cakephp/app repository and think about using composer to achieve this.
What would be the best way to do it? The straight-forward solution would be to download the entire cakephp/app, add my files, and upload it as a new project. But that would make it a bit difficult to update it when you guys release new versions.
How can I create a composer.json which are downloading/installing the cakephp/app files, and then download my own files, and move them into the correct positions?
Guess I could use the scripting possibilities that comes with composer, but the problem with this is that I also would like to let users be able to download my project as a zip-file from github.
Any general advice on these topics?
I try to do it the other way…
I watch the repo, and just cherry-pick or port to the project, since a LOT files changes (app controller, maybe namespaces, config, etc) so the project stays up to date
I use that approach in a project that started with cakephp 3.0 and has multiple changes to be the 3.5 app today (middelwares, inmutable types in bootstrap.php, etc)
It dawns on me, slowly. By watching the repo you mean you simply download any updates they do, check that your stuff is still working, otherwise, you fix what is broken, and submit a new release of your package?
Thanks raul.
Yes, see new commits, evaluate if they are to an upcoming update, and apply it.
For example, I added the Application class, but did not add the env env support (since i use docker and ENV variables)