I wanted to tryout the cakephp-templating plugin from @dereuromark ,
especially the Icon Helper
But the Icons don’t get displayed and I’m wondering what I did wrong.
Maybe someone can help me?.
I installed the plugin via
composer require dereuromark/cakephp-templating
activated the plugin in the “bin folder” via
./cake plugin load Templating
I added in the “initialize method” in “AppView.php”
public function initialize(): void
I added in “app_local.php”
'Icon' => [
'sets' => [
'fas' => [
'class' => \Templating\View\Icon\FontAwesome6Icon::class,
'path' => WWW_ROOT.'assets'.DS.'@fontawesome'.DS.'sprites'.DS.'regular.svg',
I created a folder "webroot/assets/@fontawesome"
and copied the “font awesome” files into this folder
finally I added in a view file
echo $this->Html->link($this->Icon->render('user',[],['title'=>__('View')]), ['action' => 'view',$recipe->id],['escapeTitle'=>false]);
This results in this source code:
<a href="/funnydomainname/admin/recipes/view/1"><span class="fa-solid fa-user" title="View"></span></a>
I if do debug($this->Icon->names());
I get a resultset:
ROOT/templates/Admin/Recipes/index.php (line 99)
'fas' => [
(int) 0 => 'comment-dots',
(int) 1 => 'newspaper',
(int) 2 => 'map',
(int) 3 => 'face-grin-hearts',
(int) 4 => 'window-minimize',
(int) 5 => 'circle',
(int) 6 => 'circle-up',
(int) 7 => 'trash-can',
(int) 8 => 'chess-king',
(int) 9 => 'face-rolling-eyes',
(int) 10 => 'calendar',
(int) 11 => 'face-grin-tongue-wink',
(int) 12 => 'comments',
(int) 13 => 'chess-queen',
(int) 14 => 'moon',
(int) 15 => 'face-smile',
(int) 16 => 'paper-plane',
(int) 17 => 'hand-back-fist',
(int) 18 => 'circle-play',
(int) 19 => 'face-grin-beam',
(int) 20 => 'hand-lizard',
(int) 21 => 'face-meh',
(int) 22 => 'hand-point-down',
(int) 23 => 'face-grin-tongue',
(int) 24 => 'square-caret-left',
(int) 25 => 'hand-point-right',
(int) 26 => 'object-group',
(int) 27 => 'circle-dot',
(int) 28 => 'circle-xmark',
(int) 29 => 'futbol',
(int) 30 => 'user',
(int) 31 => 'images',
(int) 32 => 'clone',
(int) 33 => 'square-full',
(int) 34 => 'face-grin-tongue-squint',
(int) 35 => 'folder',
(int) 36 => 'face-meh-blank',
(int) 37 => 'face-grin-beam-sweat',
(int) 38 => 'face-grimace',
(int) 39 => 'comment',
(int) 40 => 'chess-rook',
(int) 41 => 'star',
(int) 42 => 'closed-captioning',
(int) 43 => 'bell-slash',
(int) 44 => 'star-half',
(int) 45 => 'folder-closed',
(int) 46 => 'chess-pawn',
(int) 47 => 'face-laugh-squint',
(int) 48 => 'thumbs-down',
(int) 49 => 'window-maximize',
(int) 50 => 'file-video',
(int) 51 => 'circle-down',
(int) 52 => 'square-caret-right',
(int) 53 => 'window-restore',
(int) 54 => 'face-frown-open',
(int) 55 => 'square-plus',
(int) 56 => 'file-lines',
(int) 57 => 'circle-question',
(int) 58 => 'copy',
(int) 59 => 'rectangle-list',
(int) 60 => 'lightbulb',
(int) 61 => 'circle-left',
(int) 62 => 'calendar-minus',
(int) 63 => 'square',
(int) 64 => 'id-card',
(int) 65 => 'life-ring',
(int) 66 => 'calendar-days',
(int) 67 => 'file-code',
(int) 68 => 'face-grin',
(int) 69 => 'face-kiss-beam',
(int) 70 => 'credit-card',
(int) 71 => 'file',
(int) 72 => 'square-caret-up',
(int) 73 => 'snowflake',
(int) 74 => 'face-grin-wide',
(int) 75 => 'heart',
(int) 76 => 'money-bill-1',
(int) 77 => 'square-caret-down',
(int) 78 => 'hard-drive',
(int) 79 => 'building',
(int) 80 => 'face-laugh',
(int) 81 => 'envelope-open',
(int) 82 => 'star-half-stroke',
(int) 83 => 'face-angry',
(int) 84 => 'face-laugh-wink',
(int) 85 => 'compass',
(int) 86 => 'file-powerpoint',
(int) 87 => 'calendar-xmark',
(int) 88 => 'hand-spock',
(int) 89 => 'circle-stop',
(int) 90 => 'calendar-plus',
(int) 91 => 'hand-point-left',
(int) 92 => 'pen-to-square',
(int) 93 => 'address-card',
(int) 94 => 'floppy-disk',
(int) 95 => 'face-smile-beam',
(int) 96 => 'face-grin-squint-tears',
(int) 97 => 'paste',
(int) 98 => 'hand-point-up',
(int) 99 => 'message',
(int) 100 => 'file-image',
(int) 101 => 'flag',
(int) 102 => 'circle-check',
(int) 103 => 'hand-pointer',
(int) 104 => 'circle-right',
(int) 105 => 'font-awesome',
(int) 106 => 'face-smile-wink',
(int) 107 => 'face-surprise',
(int) 108 => 'sun',
(int) 109 => 'file-audio',
(int) 110 => 'face-tired',
(int) 111 => 'hourglass-half',
(int) 112 => 'hourglass',
(int) 113 => 'hospital',
(int) 114 => 'face-grin-squint',
(int) 115 => 'file-pdf',
(int) 116 => 'registered',
(int) 117 => 'calendar-check',
(int) 118 => 'chart-bar',
(int) 119 => 'clipboard',
(int) 120 => 'envelope',
(int) 121 => 'file-excel',
(int) 122 => 'face-flushed',
(int) 123 => 'handshake',
(int) 124 => 'keyboard',
(int) 125 => 'address-book',
(int) 126 => 'face-laugh-beam',
(int) 127 => 'hand-scissors',
(int) 128 => 'bookmark',
(int) 129 => 'object-ungroup',
(int) 130 => 'bell',
(int) 131 => 'face-grin-stars',
(int) 132 => 'folder-open',
(int) 133 => 'image',
(int) 134 => 'square-check',
(int) 135 => 'circle-user',
(int) 136 => 'hand',
(int) 137 => 'hand-peace',
(int) 138 => 'note-sticky',
(int) 139 => 'face-sad-tear',
(int) 140 => 'gem',
(int) 141 => 'rectangle-xmark',
(int) 142 => 'circle-pause',
(int) 143 => 'square-minus',
(int) 144 => 'chess-knight',
(int) 145 => 'eye-slash',
(int) 146 => 'file-word',
(int) 147 => 'face-frown',
(int) 148 => 'clock',
(int) 149 => 'share-from-square',
(int) 150 => 'id-badge',
(int) 151 => 'face-kiss',
(int) 152 => 'face-kiss-wink-heart',
(int) 153 => 'copyright',
(int) 154 => 'lemon',
(int) 155 => 'chess-bishop',
(int) 156 => 'face-grin-wink',
(int) 157 => 'file-zipper',
(int) 158 => 'eye',
(int) 159 => 'face-grin-tears',
(int) 160 => 'face-dizzy',
(int) 161 => 'face-sad-cry',
(int) 162 => 'thumbs-up',