Hi everybody, may I ask you for a help?
When I run my page on local WAMP Win10 installation, the page displays what it should:
When I run the same page on my commercial hosting, I get error:
I tired to do some debugging and on loal, as well as production server, following SQL string is generated by CakePHP:
AS People__id
, People
AS People__title1
, People
AS People__name
, People
AS People__surname
, People
AS People__title2
, People
AS People__street
, People
AS People__city
, People
AS People__zip
, People
AS People__country_id
, People
AS People__email
, People
AS People__contact
FROM people
INNER JOIN direps_rulings
ON People.id = dirrul.direp_id INNER JOIN rulings
ON dirrul.ruling_id = rul.id WHERE rul
= 1
When I run the string on production server via phpMyAdmin, it simply works:
When I display a person with people.id via PeopleController on production server, it works.
Does anybody can advice me, why it does not work for my join query? The column people.id certainly exists, otherwise I would not be able to display person with id=1 using the PeopleController and its View action …
Thank you very much!