Prevent writing to debug.log while Logging Email to Database? Cake 2.8.4

Good Afternoon,

My goal is to log all emails sent by cake to a database. Everything is working well but I am filling my debug log with duplicate data. Is there a way to configure my current method to not log to the default debug logger? Failing that do you suggest extending cakeEmail or a component? Thank you.

Cake 2.8.4


App::uses('CakeLog', 'Log');
CakeLog::config('debug', array(
        'engine' => 'File',
        'types' => array('notice', 'info', 'debug'),
'scopes' => array('notice', 'info', 'debug'),

        'file' => 'debug',
CakeLog::config('error', array(
        'engine' => 'File',
        'types' => array('warning', 'error', 'critical', 'alert', 'emergency'),
        'file' => 'error',
CakeLog::config('emaillog', array(
        'engine' => 'EmailDatabaseLog',
        'types' => array('debug'),
        'scopes' => array('email')

email.php config

 public $jms_mail = array(
                'transport' => 'Mail',
                'from' => 'you@localhost',
                'log' => true

My engine for reference

App::uses('EmailLog', 'Model');
App::uses('BaseLog', 'Log/Engine');

class EmailDatabaseLog extends BaseLog {

        public $config = array(
                //'levels' => array('warning', 'notice', 'debug', 'info', 'error')

        public function __construct($options = array()) {

        public function write($type, $message) {
                $cc_field = '';
                $bcc_field = '';
                $from_field = '';
                $body_field = '';
                $subject_field = 'test_subject';

                if (substr($message, 1,5) == 'From:') {
                        $message = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), ' ', $message);

                        // trim each data item off of string , existence of cc and bcc uncertain.
                        $body_field = substr($message, strpos($message, '<body>')+6, strlen($message)-14);
                        $trimmed_string = substr($message, 0, strpos($message, 'DOCTYPE')-3);
                        if (strpos($trimmed_string, 'To:') > -1 ) {
                                $to_field = substr($trimmed_string, strpos($trimmed_string, 'To: ')+4, strlen($trimmed_string)+1);
                                $trimmed_string = substr($message, 0, strpos($trimmed_string, 'To:')-1);
                        if (strpos($trimmed_string, 'Subject:') > -1 ) {
                                $subject_field = substr($trimmed_string, strpos($trimmed_string, 'Subject: ')+8, strlen($trimmed_string)+1);
                                $trimmed_string = substr($message, 0, strpos($trimmed_string, 'Subject:')-1);
                        if (strpos($trimmed_string, 'Bcc:') > -1 ) {
                                $bcc_field = substr($trimmed_string, strpos($trimmed_string, 'Bcc: ')+5, strlen($trimmed_string)+1);
                                $trimmed_string = substr($message, 0, strpos($trimmed_string, 'Bcc:')-1);
                        if (strpos($trimmed_string, 'Cc:') > -1 ) {
                                $cc_field = substr($trimmed_string, strpos($trimmed_string, 'Cc: ')+4, strlen($trimmed_string)+1);
                                $trimmed_string = substr($message, 0, strpos($trimmed_string, 'Cc:')-1);
                        if (strpos($trimmed_string, 'From:') > -1 ) {
                                $from_field = substr($trimmed_string, strpos($trimmed_string, 'From: ')+6, strlen($trimmed_string)+1);
                                //$trimmed_string = substr($trimmed_string, 0, strpos($trimmed_string, 'Bcc:')-1);

                        $EmailLogger = new EmailLog();
                        $EmailLogger->save(array('raw' => $message, 'to_field' => $to_field', cc_field' => $cc_field, 'subject_field' => $subject_field,  'from_field' => $from_field, 'bcc_field' => $bcc_field, 'body_field' => $body_field,