Php 8.2 and Creation of dynamic property Deprecation?

Checking my Debug logs during some dev I noticed this message
“Creation of dynamic property App\Model\Entity\Office::$reports_to_id is deprecated”

Doing some digging this is part of 8.2… Is there something I should do to my instance of Cakephp 5.1 to resolve this issue, or is this something that will get resolved in a future release of Cakephp?

do you know wherr/how you access that property? usually if you write/read from it cakephp automatically will use the magic methods to properly save the field inside a real property, not a dynamic one

there is a custom setter on top of it _setReportsToId($value) because I have some business logic inside, but otherwise nothing special going on…

Have you declared that as a property in your entity class?

its a model so no I didn’t explicitly declare, its backed by a field in the DB… I just overwrote the setter function which is standard Cakephp behavior.

Can you elaborate on what you mean by “overwrote the setter function”? Show us that function?