Passing a variable between two actions using Session Component in CakePHP 2.5.3

I want to pass a variable between two actions using Session component. the variable session read returns a value in the payment action but it returns NULL in the action checkout.

Here is the code:

        class AppController extends Controller
            public $components = array('Session', 'Auth', 'Cookie', 'Email');
            // rest of the code    
        class OrdersController extends AppController
            public $components = array('Paginator','Session'); 
            // rest of the code
            public function payment($hash=null)
                //some code
                $priceTND = 123,55; //just for the test  
                //var_dump($this->Session->read('priceCTP')); it returns 123.55
                // rest of the code
            public function checkout()

                $price = $this->Session->read('priceCTP');
                var_dump($price); // it returns NULL
                // rest of the code

Hi Tarek,

Your app is using CakePHP 2.5.3, which was released on July 2014. As a first approach to the issue, I would update to 2.9.6, last release of CakePHP 2 so far. Or, at least, to 2.5.9, which was the last security update of the 2.5 branch.

Specifically, versions 2.5.4 and 2.5.6 solved some session issues:

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Thank you man, you are right. I have to upgrade the code.

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