Multiple Databases connection on the fly for cakephp 4.x

Hello there.

In my application build with cakephp 4.4 I have to have two databases one database for regular options and one database for the user which connection details stored in the first database (regular options) My problem is, when user logged in I have to load database credentials for the regular db an build a connection for the customer. Is there a specific way how to solve the? What is the best one, does anybody got a similar problem and maybe a hint or solution??

Thanks for your help

You can define a different connection for each table overriding defaultConnectionName() Table Objects - 4.x

If you share the credentials between databases you can use the method $this->setTable(‘database.table’) inside a Table object Class Table | CakePHP 4.4

PD: does every user has its own database? do all those databases share the same schema?

That’s the point each User (or User group) have his own db. With there own credentials which nobody knows (for security reason) So I can not have defaultConnectionName which I have setup in app.php But I can do it with the ConnectionManager but for this I have to dive into the vendor code in table.php and tableLocator etc… Which I did in previous versions but now I’m sick do it this way. Also know I have changed some code in cake so it works for me but for all version upgrades and updates I have to change this code. Which I don’t want.
There should be a way to register somehow this connection instance for a user in all models I can define the defaultConnectionName so each query knows the connection instance for which it has to call the correct database. That’s something I miss in cake…


Haven’t needed to do this, so I don’t know if it would work, but maybe some bit of middleware could set that up for you? Take a look at what the normal startup process does with connection details from the config, and mimic it using details from your credentials database?

Thanks Zuluru.
Don’t forget that a database connection can be build AFTER user has been logged in. So Middleware is not the best choice. The way is.

  1. User log in take credentials from database which is the standard db.
  2. From user instance get credential for the user-db and make a connection with cake ConnectionManager.
  3. Now you are able to retrieve information from user db.

But as I told you. This means an intervention in the cakephp code which is not very satisfactory… :frowning:


    public function initialize(): void




namespace App\Controller\Component;

use Cake\Controller\Component;
use Cake\Database\Connection;
use Cake\Datasource\ConnectionManager;
use Cake\Database\Driver\Mysql;

 * CrossDatabase component
class CrossDatabaseComponent extends Component
     * Other Components this component uses.
     * @var array
    protected $components = ['Authentication.Authentication'];

     * Default configuration.
     * @var array<string, mixed>
    protected $_defaultConfig = [];

     * Constructor hook method.
     * Implement this method to avoid having to overwrite
     * the constructor and call parent.
     * @param array<string, mixed> $config The configuration settings provided to this component.
     * @return void
    public function initialize(array $config): void
        $identity = $this->Authentication->getIdentity();

        if (is_null($identity)) {

        ConnectionManager::setConfig('custom', [
            'className' => Connection::class,
            'driver' => Mysql::class,
            'persistent' => false,
            'host' => 'localhost',
            'username' => $identity->get('db_username'),
            'password' => $identity->get('db_password'),
            'database' => $identity->get('db_name'),
            'encoding' => 'utf8mb4',
            'timezone' => 'UTC',
            'cacheMetadata' => true,


   public static function defaultConnectionName(): string
        return 'default';


   public static function defaultConnectionName(): string
        return 'custom';

With a component!! That’s cool! I’ll check that and reply :grinning:

You could also just extend the Authentication component and add that piece of code after the identify() call.

Again, I haven’t done this, but I don’t see why you can’t do it with middleware. The user is “known” well before the end of the middleware stack is reached. You just have to make sure your new middleware is run after the authentication one.

In controller

use Cake\Datasource\ConnectionManager;
private $db;

public function initialize()
	$this->db = ConnectionManager::get('db_connection_name');

In Model

public static function defaultConnectionName()
      return 'db_connection_name';

Here is the link: Database Basics - 4.x

I’ve checked it out. And the problem is, that cake/ConnectionManager will be started first before CrossDatabaseComponent can be setup setConfig… so on some runtime values it works but not all the time. On fast systems I can’t get setup Config before cake/Connectionmanager::get(‘custom’)

Maybe middleware could be better… ?!

Anyway thanks at all


Thank you daroath. I use this in models but this doesn’t work! I use cakephp 4.4.11. In this version I use to have use $this->fetchTable($alias, $options) (from LocatorAwareTrait.php) to get a Model.
But for $options I have to set [‘connection’ => ConnectionManager::get(‘custom’)] without this $alias can’t be find in the correct database. I thought this can be find be using Model::defaultConnectionName(). But this is wrong. defaultConnectionName() will not been used at all!


public static function defaultConnectionName()
      return 'db_connection_name';

I used above function in model. It works on both Cakephp 3 and 4. Make sure you use the correction function name and change the database name to match with your database name. Check this Configuring Connections. You can also mixed the two databases using RAW SQL. Hope this help.