Is there a standard way for creating sub-records in cakePHP3?

Lets suppose we have two tables : Resumes and Experiences.
A Single Resume has many Experiences.
When adding a new Resume (src/Template/View/Experiences/add.ctp) , what can be a standard and simple way to give the user the possibility for adding skills but before saving the resume?
I used to do this manually with cakephp 2.x, by generating a html template form using ajax, and processing these custom forms manually in controller (all manual, no conventions respected).
Im looking for a standard way or simply a good suggestion.
Note : Every Experience has many fields to be entered by the user while creating a Resume.

As much I can see in this situation you are using a wrong relationship. The relationship should be resume belongsToMany(HABTM) skills and for more flexibility you can give user such facility that user can select or enter new skills. If the selected skill then it’s good but if there will be new entry you have to save them and associate the new skill id’s with the request data.

It’s not the problem, Skill was just an example. I changed it by Experiences to remove any confusion.
Now a Resume has many experiences.

Note : Every Experience has many fields to be entered by the user while creating a Resume.