I changed exiting table columans. when i Insert the record old column fileds only save remaing fileds save empty

I create new fields from in db table. i try to insert the form data what happend new changes column not inserting? its only insert exiting column in db
Controller Code:
if ($this->request->is(‘post’)) {

            list($this->request->data["msi_number"], $this->request->data["msi_index"]) = $this->genMsiNumber();

    //    echo "<pre>"print_r($check_value);die;

           $this->request->data["createdon"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");

            $this->request->data["order_date"] = $this->formatDate($this->request->data["order_date"], "m/d/Y", "Y-m-d");

            $this->request->data["createdon"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");

             $this->request->data["jcid"] = $jcid;

             $this->request->data["jcnumber"] = "Not Valid";

             $this->request->data["currency"] = "AED";

             $this->request->data["tax"] = "5.00";                

             $this->request->data["updatedby"]= $this->request->getSession()->read('Auth.User')['id'];



        $expense = $this->Expenses->patchEntity($expense, $this->request->getData());

       // debug($this->request->data);

        //echo "<pre>";print_r($expense); die;

        // $expenseArray = array("msi_number" => $expense->msi_number, "msi_index" => $expense->msi_index) ;

        if ($this->Expenses->save($expense)) {


            echo "Save Successfully!";die;

            /*$this->Flash->success(__('The {0} has been saved.', 'Expense'));

            if($jcid > 0)

                 return $this->redirect(['action' => 'view/'.$jcid,'controller' => 'jobcard']);

            return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);*/


        else {


         echo 1;die;

       // print_r($expense->errors()); die;

        //$this->Flash->error(__('The {0} could not be saved. Please, try again.', 'Expense'));



Model Code:


protected $_accessible = [

    'msi_number' => true,

    'msi_index' => true,

    'suppliers_id' => true,

    'order_date' => true,  New column

    'empid'   => true, // New Fileds

    'jcid' => true,       //This is old fileds

    'jcnumber' => true, //This is old fileds

    'ref_no' => true, // new fileds

    /*'discount' => true,

    'totalcost' => true,

    'tax' => true,

    'taxamt' => true,

    'nettotal' => true,

    'currency' => true,*/

    'updatedby' => true, //Old column

    'createdon' => true //Old column


Asked and answered a hundred times on here. Clear your ORM cache.

Thank you @Zuluru. It’s worked:ok_hand: :ok_hand: