i created a DB in mysql, baked the model and controller. it worked properly. then i decided to to add a column in the table in database. after doing that, it was working yet and data was being saved except the column i added lately. so i decided to bake a new model for that table. i did that. and now data is not getting saved in DB at all. i tried baking new controller for the same table but it dose not work too. it’s a disaster if adding a column make you start a new table with a new name and codes from the beaginning. please let me know if you have the answer.
I’d say read through migrations Migrations
Adding new fields to the tables is easy. You may miss something. Did you modified your template to have an input filed for the new column?
thank you jimgwhit and rrd. No i’m sure my template was correct. i baked new model and controller and changed my view. problem solved. sometimes i have problems with views. when i create a new view that has Persian text, it will not load the text correctly and i have to put English text in it, load it, then change it and past Persian text, then restart xampp, after this process it works. the DB case is another situation like this i think. i’m glad i found the way to make it work.