How to get complete info about 'bake'?

The cookbook ( seems to be rather short about ‘bake’.

Can’t get clear how some things (have to) work ( Bake not generating 100% new model-files? ).

Googling around found you can use an additional parameter to set display-field,
‘cake bake model Performers --display-field performer’.

I guess there’s more to know about ‘bake’, but where can I find that info. Did a lot of googling in trying to find out, but with no success. Last resort would be reading the code, but I’m afraid that won’t help me either.

in terminal you can use --help for i think all commands i.e

$ bin/cake bake model --help
Bake table and entity classes.

cake bake model [subcommand] [options] [<name>]


all  Bake all model files with associations and validation.

To see help on a subcommand use `cake bake model [subcommand] --help`


--connection, -c       The datasource connection to get data from.
                       (default: default)
--display-field        The displayField if you would like to choose one.
--fields               A comma separated list of fields to make
--force, -f            Force overwriting existing files without
--help, -h             Display this help.
--hidden               A comma separated list of fields to hide.
--no-associations      Disable generating associations.
--no-entity            Disable generating an entity class.
--no-fields            Disable generating accessible fields in the
--no-fixture           Do not generate a test fixture skeleton.
--no-hidden            Disable generating hidden fields in the entity.
--no-rules             Disable generating a rules checker.
--no-table             Disable generating a table class.
--no-test              Do not generate a test case skeleton.
--no-validation        Disable generating validation rules.
--plugin, -p           Plugin to bake into.
--primary-key          The primary key if you would like to manually set
                       one. Can be a comma separated list if you are
                       using a composite primary key.
--quiet, -q            Enable quiet output.
--table                The table name to use if you have
                       non-conventional table names.
--theme, -t            The theme to use when baking code.
--verbose, -v          Enable verbose output.


name  Name of the model to bake (without the Table suffix). You can use to bake plugin models. (optional)

Omitting all arguments and options will list the table names you can
generate models for

Thanks, that’s the info I was looking for.

Did use cake -h and cake bake -h, now I’m just wondering why it didn’t occur to me to check the next level.