Destroy autofill when logout

good afternoon & happy launch with coffee.
I have trouble when users have complete logout, while their try login it’s shown autofill email and password. Here’s below sample code in my AppController.php

    public function initialize()

        $this->loadComponent('RequestHandler', [
            'enableBeforeRedirect' => false,
		//theme nasa
        $this->loadComponent('Auth', [
			'authorize' => 'Controller',
			'authenticate' => [
				'Form' => [
					'fields' => [
						'username' => 'Email',
						'password' => 'Password'
			'loginAction' => [
				'controller' => 'Users',
				'action' => 'login'
			'logoutRedirect' => [
				'controller' => 'Users',
				'action' => 'login'
			//jika tidak sah, maka alihkan
			'unauthorizedRedirect' => $this->referer()
		//izinkan membaca
		$this->Auth->allow(['beranda', 'view', 'index']);
	public function beforeFilter(Event $event)
		$this->Auth->allow(['beranda', 'view', 'index']);
	public function beforeRender(Event $event)
		$this->set('userInfo', $this->Auth->user());

I was browsing in stackoverflow

and applying in my AppController.php code below

public function logout()

The result autofill email & password after logout still working, that could be dangerous in my app.
I hope someone help me to fix destroy autofill when logout, thanx for help

Looks like the issue is with the controller and template code. Please share controller action and template code for login.

This isn’t just standard browser behaviour remembering previous form information?

thanks mr.Zuluru and bizdev, I’ve browsed and found to solve this problem in stack overflow, below this link

happy coding with coffee