CakePHP 4.5 Session was already started on logout

I’m trying to upgrade to PHP 4.5 and everything is going flawless except logging out.

CakePHP 4.5.5

CakePHP/Authorisation 2.10.2

When logging out in:


public function logout()
    $result = $this->Authentication->getResult();

    if ($result->isValid()) {
       return $this->redirect(['controller' => 'Users', 'action' => 'login']);

I’m going to:

ROOT/vendor/cakephp/authentication/src/Controller/Component/AuthenticationComponent.php at line311 in Authentication\AuthenticationService->clearIdentity

$result = $this->getAuthenticationService()->clearIdentity(

And further:

ROOT/vendor/cakephp/authentication/src/AuthenticationService.php at line224 in Authentication\Authenticator\SessionAuthenticator->clearIdentity

$result = $authenticator->clearIdentity($request, $response);

And it wants to renew the session:

ROOT/vendor/cakephp/authentication/src/Authenticator/SessionAuthenticator.php at line115 in Cake\Http\Session->renew

$sessionKey = $this->getConfig('sessionKey');
/** @var \Cake\Http\Session $session */
$session = $request->getAttribute('session');

It starts the new session

CORE/src/Http/Session.php at line649 in Cake\Http\Session->start

if (!$this->_hasSession() || $this->_isCLI) {
$params = session_get_cookie_params();

And crashes here:

CORE/src/Http/Session.php at line 352

if (session_status() === \PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
	throw new RuntimeException('Session was already started');

This seems strange to me, code worked fine for CakePHP 4.3.