In cakephp3 how do I set the column width in a table? This style didnt work on the last column ‘Lesson desciption’ with the field name ‘lesson_plan’ below. In cakephp2 the style width worked fine?
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<th><?= 'id'; ?></th>
<th><?= 'lesson_date'; ?></th>
<th><?= 'Tutor _name'; ?></th>
<th><?= 'Student_name'; ?></th>
<th><?= 'Subject name'; ?></th>
<th><?= 'Tutoring Types'; ?></th>
<th><?= 'Lesson Description
(need to complete<br> with 100 chars min)'; ?></th>
<?php foreach ($lessons as $key => $item): //foreach ($query3 as $item): ?> <tr> <td><?= $item->id ?></td> <td><?= $item->lesson_date ?></td> <td><?= $item->tutor->first_name .' '. $item->tutor->last_name ?></td> <td><?= $item->students[0]->first_name .' '. $item->students[0]->last_name ?></td> <td><?= $item->subject->name ?></td> <td><?= $item->tutoring_type->value ?></td> <td><?php echo $this->Form->input($key.'.lesson_plan', ['label'=>'','value'=>$item->lesson_plan , 'style' => 'width: 300px; height:50px;']) ?></td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?>