CakePHP 4 Migrations?

I am trying Cakephp 4 Alpha and I soon realized that there is no migrations

Could not find a task named migration.

So I went to my command link - thinking about the next PR I was planning to send…
and performed :

composer require cakephp/Migrations

Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.

Am I missing something?

A Cake 4 compatible version of the migrations plugin still isn’t ready. It will most likely be available by Cake 4 beta.

Cool. JUst got a notif for cake 4 beta. If migration isn’t up yet. Can I see where I can find the issue list? I could be glad to contribute full-time for a few days.

Ok, I can see them at :
Let me see what I can contrib with. :slight_smile: