I have worked with an working app locally, but after putting it online I see a relation between the authentication plugin and encountered errors. The application is stored in a subfolder of a webpage e.g. www.X.y/cakephpapp/.
Going to tables indexes correctly routes to /cakephpapp/tablename, but the authentication check redirects to /users/login, which returns in 404. Moreover, while loggin in @ /cakephpapp/users/login, debugging the authenticator result gives the following error:
[protected] _errors => [
(int) 0 => 'Login URL `https://X.y/cakephpapp/users/login` did not match `/users/login`.'
So again this seems to be a URL problem. I can (hopefully) fix this by going through all the plugin code in vendor folders, but is this supposed to be non-adaptive by default ?
I tried without success, by adjusting in config/app/php:
‘paths’ => [
‘plugins’ => [ROOT . DS . ‘cakephpapp’ . DS . ‘plugins’ . DS,]