$rules->add($rules->isUnique(['item_id', 'manufacture_unit_id'], 'This Item-Unit Already Inserted.'));
By this we can check uniqueness of current insertion.
But I need to extend it and want to add more checking on it. So I’ve written this and included it .
use App\Model\Rule\CustomIsUnique;
$rules->add(new CustomIsUnique(['item_id', 'manufacture_unit_id']), [
'errorField' => 'item_id',
'message' => 'Item Unit must be unique.'
How to extend the existing isUnique method?
Inside my CustomIsUnique rule I just copied IsUnique’s Code.
namespace App\Model\Rule;
use Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface;
class CustomIsUnique
* The list of fields to check
* @var array
protected $_fields;
* The options to use.
* @var array
protected $_options;
* Constructor.
* ### Options
* - `allowMultipleNulls` Set to false to disallow multiple null values in
* multi-column unique rules. By default this is `true` to emulate how SQL UNIQUE
* keys work.
* @param array $fields The list of fields to check uniqueness for
* @param array $options The additional options for this rule.
public function __construct(array $fields, array $options = [])
$this->_fields = $fields;
$this->_options = $options + ['allowMultipleNulls' => true];
* Performs the uniqueness check
* @param \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity The entity from where to extract the fields
* where the `repository` key is required.
* @param array $options Options passed to the check,
* @return bool
public function __invoke(EntityInterface $entity, array $options)
if (!$entity->extract($this->_fields, true)) {
return true;
$allowMultipleNulls = $this->_options['allowMultipleNulls'];
$alias = $options['repository']->alias();
// pr($alias);die;
$conditions = $this->_alias($alias, $entity->extract($this->_fields), $allowMultipleNulls);
if ($entity->isNew() === false) {
$keys = (array)$options['repository']->primaryKey();
$keys = $this->_alias($alias, $entity->extract($keys), $allowMultipleNulls);
if (array_filter($keys, 'strlen')) {
$conditions['NOT'] = $keys;
// pr($conditions);
// pr(!$options['repository']->exists($conditions));die;
return !$options['repository']->exists($conditions);
* Add a model alias to all the keys in a set of conditions.
* Null values will be omitted from the generated conditions,
* as SQL UNIQUE indexes treat `NULL != NULL`
* @param string $alias The alias to add.
* @param array $conditions The conditions to alias.
* @param bool $multipleNulls Whether or not to allow multiple nulls.
* @return array
protected function _alias($alias, $conditions, $multipleNulls)
$aliased = [];
foreach ($conditions as $key => $value) {
if ($multipleNulls) {
$aliased["$alias.$key"] = $value;
} else {
$aliased["$alias.$key IS"] = $value;
return $aliased;