Upgrade CakePHP from 3.6 to latest 5

I want to upgrade my CakePHP application from 3.6 to the latest 5.x version. Can any one tell me the step by step of the process ?

Thanks in advance.

You should do

3.6 => 3.7 => 3.8 => 3.9 => 3.10

and fix all deprecation warnings and errors along each minor upgrade.


4.0 => 4.1 => 4.2 => 4.3 => 4.4 => 4.5

and agin fix all deprecation warnings and errors along each minor upgrade.

and finally 5.0

each minor and major upgrade has its own migration guide starting from here: 3.7 Migration Guide - 3.10

I would also highly recommend you at least check each major versions latest app template in

and compare it to your own app’s files (mostly the files in the config and src directories have important changes)

You could of course technically jump directly to 5.0 and fix all errors at once, but it could be quite frustrating depending on which features of cake you use.