Unable to get CakeResque plugin working - Application Cookbook

I am working through CakePHP 2 Application Cookbook, and I’m at Chapter 8, Event stacking. If you don’t know the book, hopefully what I have written below will give you enough guidance to be able to help.

I have downloaded the CakeResque plugin from https://github.com/wa0x6e/Cake-Resque, and unzipped it in /app/Plugin/CakeResque.

In my bootstrap.php, I have added near the end:

CakePlugin::load('CakeResque', array('bootstrap' => true));

My CakeResque configuration file, cake_resque.php is in /app/Config

When I run
$ Console/cake CakeResque.CakeResque load
I get the error:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'CakeResque\CakeResque' not found in /home/vagrant/Code/Project/cookbook/app/Plugin/CakeResque/Config/bootstrap.php on line 23

Although I have got an override of the default configuration in /app/Plugin/CakeResque/Config/, it seems to be using it anyway (three files: bootstrap.php, bootstrap_config.php and maybe also config.php).

My error message is the same as http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31760772/class-cakeresque-cakeresque-not-found which has not been answered.

I am using a virtual machine with Vagrant. It has redis installed and running. When I exit ssh from the machine, it says that “the Connnection to closed” which confirms the IP is I’ve used ‘localhost’ as the host in my cake_resque config file, and I’ve also tried using ‘’ with and without single quotes.

I am a relative novice and I would appreciate help.

I’m using CakePHP v2.6.4.


/app/Plugin/CakeResque/Config/bootstrap.php consists of:

use CakeResque\CakeResque;
CakeResque::init();  //this is line 23

My cake_resque.php file is:

//use Cake\Core\Plugin;

 * CakeResque configuration file
 * Default settings for Resque workers and queues.
 * PHP version 5
 * Licensed under The MIT License
 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @author        Wan Qi Chen <kami@kamisama.me>
 * @copyright     Copyright 2012, Wan Qi Chen <kami@kamisama.me>
 * @link          http://cakeresque.kamisama.me
 * @package       CakeResque
 * @subpackage      CakeResque.Config
 * @since         3.4.0
 * @license       MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)

 * Configure the default value for Resque
 * ## Mandatory indexes :
 * Redis
 *        Redis server settings
 * Worker
 *        Workers default settings
 * Resque
 *        Default values used to init the php-resque library path
 * ## Optional indexes :
 * Queues
 *        An array of queues to start with Resque::load()
 *        Used when you have multiple queues, as you don't need
 *        to start each queues individually each time you start Resque
 * Env
 *        Additional environment variables to pass to Resque
 * Log
 *        Log handler and its arguments, to save the log with Monolog
 * There are many ways to configure the plugin:
 * 1. This file is automagically loaded by the bootstrapping process, when no 'CakeResque'
 * configuration key exists.
 *   CakePlugin::load('CakeResque', array('bootstrap' => true));
 * 2. If a 'CakeResque' configuration key already exists, the default configuration will not be loaded,
 * and the 'CakeResque' key is expected to contain all the values present in the default configuration.
 *   Configure::load('my_cakeresque_config');
 *   CakePlugin::load('CakeResque', array('bootstrap' => true));
 * 3. Another way to configure the plugin is to load it using a custom bootstrap file.
 *   CakePlugin::load('CakeResque', array('bootstrap' => 'my_bootstrap'));
 *   // APP/Plugin/CakeResque/Config/my_bootstrap.php
 *   require_once dirname(__DIR__) . DS . 'Lib' . DS . 'CakeResque.php';
 *   $config = array(); // Custom configuration
 *   CakeResque::init($config);
 * @see CakeResque::init(), CakeResque::loadConfig().
$config['CakeResque'] = array(
    'Redis'     => array(
        'host'      => 'localhost', // '' 'localhost' Redis server hostname
        'port'      => 6379,                // Redis server port
        'database'  => 0,            // Redis database number
        'namespace' => 'resque'    // Redis keys namespace
//        'password'  => null       // Redis password - not required by Cake

    'Worker'    => array(
        'queue'    => 'default',        // Name of the default queue
        'interval' => 5,            // Number of second between each poll
        'workers'  => 1,                // Number of workers to create
        // 'user' => 'www-data' 	// User running the worker process

        // Path to the log file
        // Can be an
        // - absolute path,
        // - an relative path, that will be relative to
        // 	 app/tmp/logs folder
        // - a simple filename, file will be created inside app/tmp/logs
        'log'      => TMP . 'logs' . DS . 'resque-worker-error.log',

        // Log Verbose mode
        // true to log more debugging informations
        // Can also be enabled per worker, by starting with --verbose
        'verbose'  => false
    'Job'       => array(
        // Whether to track job status
        // Enabling this will allow you to track a job status by its ID
        // Job status are purged after 24 hours
        // You can also define per-job tracking by passing true/false when calling
        // CakeResque::enqueue(), CakeResque::enqueueAt() or CakeResque::enqueueIn()
        'track' => true
    // NOTE: to restart, use
    // echo "all" | Console/cake CakeResque.CakeResque stop && Console/cake CakeResque.CakeResque load
    'Queues'    => array(
//        Original line in config
//        array('queue' => 'notify', 'workers' => 3),
        array('queue' => 'pdf',  // Use default values from above for missing interval and count indexes
              'interval' => 1),
    'Resque'    => array(
        'lib' => 'kamisama/php-resque-ex',
        // Path to the directory containing the worker PID files
//        'tmpdir' => Plugin::path('CakeResque') . 'tmp' . DS  Original version
        'tmpdir' => App::pluginPath('CakeResque') . 'tmp' . DS

    // Other usefull environment variable you wish to set
    // Passing a key only will search for its value in the $_SERVER scope
    // eg : array('SERVER_NAME'); => will search for the value in $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']
    // Passing a key and a value will set the env variable to this value
    // eg : array('ARCH' => 'x64')
    'Env'       => array(),

    // Log Handler
    // If saving the logs in a plain text file doesn't suit you
    // you can send them to Mysql, or MongoDB, etc ...
    // In that case, you'll need a handler to manage your logs
    // All logs outputted by resque will go to the handler.
    // The classic log file (above) will still be used, for logging
    // stuff likes php error, or other STDOUT outputted by your job classses
    // php-resque-ex uses Monolog to manage all the logging stuff
    // If you uses the original php-resque library, these settings
    // will be ignored
    // handler
    //		Name of the Handler (the handler classname, without the 'Handler' part)
    // target
    //		Arguments taken by the handler constructor. If the handler required
    //		multiple arguments, separate them with a comma
    // As of now, the following handler are supported:
    // [HANDLER]		[TARGET]
    // Cube 			Cube server address (e.g: udp://
    // RotatingFile 	Path to the log file (e.g: /path/to/resque.log)
    // Syslog 			Facility name
    // Socket 			Address (e.g: udp://
    // MongoDB 			MongoDB server address  (e.g: mongodb://localhost:27017)
    'Log'       => array(
        'handler' => 'RotatingFile',
        'target'  => TMP . 'logs' . DS . 'resque.log',

    // Scheduler Worker
    // It's the worker handling all the scheduled jobs
    // Only one scheduler worker is permitted to run at one time
    // It can be paused, resumed and stopped like any other workers
    // It can be started only with the `startscheduler` command,
    // or with `load` if Scheduler Worker is enabled.
    // Scheduled jobs requires the php-resque-ex-scheduler library,
    // that should be installed with automatically via the
    // `composer update` or `composer install` command
    // The Scheduler Worker have its own default settings
    // @since 2.3.0
    'Scheduler' => array(
        // Enable or disable delayed job
        'enabled' => false,
        'lib' => 'kamisama/php-resque-ex-scheduler',
        // Path to the log file
        'log'     => TMP . 'logs' . DS . 'resque-scheduler-error.log',

        // Optional
        // Will not default to settings defined in the global scope above
        'Env'     => array(),

        // Optional
        // Will default to settings defined in the global scope above
        // Only available setting is `interval`
        // The worker will always poll a fixed special queue, and only one worker can run at one time
        'Worker'  => array(
            'interval' => 3

        // Optional
        // Will default to settings defined in the global scope above
        'Log'     => array(
            'handler' => 'RotatingFile',
            'target'  => TMP . 'logs' . DS . 'resque-scheduler.log'
        'Status' => array(
            'lib' => 'kamisama/resque-status'