Table "Cake\ORM\Table" is not associated with "Permissions"

I am trying to get migrations to work, but I seem to get an odd error (see title).
What I wonder is where it get’s the idea to use Cake\ORM\Table as a table name?

These are the migrations I’m running (first one works just fine, the second one gives the error):

use Migrations\AbstractMigration;

class CreateInitialDatabase extends AbstractMigration {
   * Change Method.
   * More information on this method is available here:
   * @return void
  public function change() {
    // Create the users table
    $table = $this->table('users')
                  ->addColumn('username','string',['default' => null,'limit' => 255,'null' => false])
                  ->addColumn('email','string',['default' => null,'null' => false])
                  ->addColumn('password','string',['default' => null,'null' => false])
                  ->addColumn('created','datetime',['default' => null,'null' => false])

    // Create the users_details table
    $table = $this->table('users_details')
                  ->addColumn('firstname','string',['default' => null,'limit' => 255,'null' => false])
                  ->addColumn('lastname','string',['default' => null,'limit' => 255,'null' => false])
                  ->addForeignKey('id','users','id', ['delete'=> 'CASCADE', 'update'=> 'NO_ACTION'])

    // Create the roles table
    $table = $this->table('roles')
                  ->addColumn('name','string',['default' => null,'null' => false])

    // Create the user_roles table
    $table = $this->table('users_roles',['id' => false,'primary_key' => ['user_id','role_id']])
                  ->addColumn('user_id','integer',['default' => null,'limit' => 11,'null' => false])
                  ->addColumn('role_id','integer',['default' => null,'limit' => 11,'null' => false])
                  ->addForeignKey('user_id','users','id', ['delete'=> 'CASCADE', 'update'=> 'NO_ACTION'])
                  ->addForeignKey('role_id','roles','id', ['delete'=> 'CASCADE', 'update'=> 'NO_ACTION'])

    // Create the permissions table
    $table = $this->table('permissions',['id' => false,'primary_key' => ['role_id']])
                  ->addColumn('role_id','integer',['default' => null,'limit' => 11,'null' => false])
                  ->addColumn('access_cms','boolean',['default' => false,'null' => false])
                  ->addColumn('edit_settings','boolean',['default' => false,'null' => false])
                  ->addForeignKey('role_id','roles','id', ['delete'=> 'CASCADE', 'update'=> 'NO_ACTION'])

    // Create the options table
    $table = $this->table('options')
                  ->addColumn('name','string',['default' => null,'limit' => 255,'null' => false])
                  ->addColumn('value','text',['null' => true])
use Migrations\AbstractMigration;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;

class AddInitialRoles extends AbstractMigration {
   * Change Method.
   * More information on this method is available here:
   * @return void
  public function change() {
    // Load the RolesTable from the registry
    $rolesTable = TableRegistry::get('Roles');

    // Add an Administrator role
    $role = $rolesTable->newEntity();
    $role->name = 'Administrator';

    // Add permissions for the Administrator role
    $permissions = $rolesTable->Permissions->newEntity();
    $permissions->role_id = $role->id;
    $permissions->access_cms = 1;
    $permissions->edit_settings = 1;

    // Add a Member role
    $role = $rolesTable->newEntity();
    $role->name = 'Member';

    // Add permissions for the Member role
    $permissions = $rolesTable->Permissions->newEntity();
    $permissions->role_id = $role->id;
    $permissions->access_cms = 0;
    $permissions->edit_settings = 0;

I am trying to run it using bin/cake migrations migrate -p Kikioboeru/Kikioboeru.
The migrations did work earlier, but I re-installed my PC so had to run the migrations again, and poof.

there is dedicated thing for what you are trying to do

but regarding your error looks like it cant find Roles table and is using generic one thats why it says it has no associations, you can try using

use Cake\Datasource\ModelAwareTrait;
use Migrations\AbstractMigration;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;

class AddInitialRoles extends AbstractMigration {
  use ModelAwareTrait;
   * Change Method.
   * More information on this method is available here:
   * @return void
  public function change() {

        $this->Roles->newEntity([ ... ]);

That’s pretty odd since in plugins/Kikioboeru/Kikioboeru/Model/Table there is a file named RolesTable.php with the content:

namespace Kikioboeru\Kikioboeru\Model\Table;

use Cake\ORM\Query;
use Cake\ORM\RulesChecker;
use Cake\ORM\Table;
use Cake\Validation\Validator;

class RolesTable extends Table

As said in my OP, this migration worked fine a few days ago for one of my colleagues (and earlier for me as well), which is pretty odd :\

oh if its in plugin you need to prefix it with plugin name Kikioboeru.Roles

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Well, that worked perfectly fine :slight_smile: