Sort dropdownlist by value

Hi i want to sort a dropdown list by its second value(not the id) i tried using order in the find but it doesn’t work. Im using cakephp 2.x

I would expect you to be able to sort your query.

But if you continue to have a problem there you could resort to php’s sort()

Show us the code you’re using.

$codetravails = $this->Codetravail->find(‘list’, array(
‘conditions’ => array(‘client_id’ => array($this->request->data[‘client_id’], 0)),
‘fields’ => array(‘id’, ‘description’),
‘order’ => array(‘description’ => ‘ASC’)

Looks like it should work, but I skipped from 1.3 straight to 3.x, so I can’t say for sure. Hopefully someone else will be able to confirm whether order is supposed to work with list queries.

I can’t run a test (no 2x install) but that does look ok. There is no explicit example of the use of order in a 'list` find. But it’s reasonable to expect to work.

There is an alternative syntax you could try

$codetravails = $this->Codetravail->find(‘list’, array(
    ‘conditions’ => array(‘client_id’ => array($this->request->data[‘client_id’], 0)),
    ‘fields’ => array(‘id’, ‘description’),
    ‘order’ => array(‘description ASC’) //just value, not key=>value