[SOLVED]How to check file extension for file input and display the given error message?

I want to check the extension of an uploaded file so my form is:
(Don’t worry about FormB which simply use CakePHP Bootstrap plugin)

<?= $this->FormB->create($site, ['horizontal' => true, 'type' => 'file']) ?>
    <?= $this->FormB->input('guide.fileCard', ['label' => __("upload your card"), 'type' => 'file']); ?>
<?= $this->FormB->end() ?>

And my GuidesTable.php is:

public function validationDefault(Validator $validator) {
	    ->allowEmpty('id', 'create')
	    ->add('id', 'valid', ['rule' => 'numeric'])
	    ->add('site_id', 'valid', ['rule' => 'numeric'])
	    ->add('fileCard', 'file', [
			'rule' => ['uploadedFile' => ['types' => ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'application/pdf']]], // It's what I expect to check
			'message' => __("authorized extensions: jpg, png, pdf")
	return $validator;


class Guide extends Entity {

protected $_accessible = [
	'site_id' => true,
	'card' => true,
	'fileCard' => true,

But I get the following error:

`Error: Unable to call method "Array" in "default" provider for field "fileCard"`

Sorry, syntax error after uploadedFile

public function validationDefault(Validator $validator) {
    ->allowEmpty('id', 'create')
    ->add('id', 'valid', ['rule' => 'numeric'])
    ->add('site_id', 'valid', ['rule' => 'numeric'])
    ->add('fileCard', 'file', [
		'rule' => ['uploadedFile', ['types' => ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'application/pdf']]], // It's what I expect to check
		'message' => __("authorized extensions: jpg, png, pdf")

return $validator;