[Solved] CakePHP 3.x error about Controller missing after default project created

Alright, so you haven’t read the full documentation of cake. I will highly recommend you to learn how MVC works.

As for your problem, the error in YELLOW color tells you the solution itself.

  1. Create controller

Create a controller file in \src\Controller


  1. Do the following coding in it

namespace App\Controller;

use App\Controller\AppController;

class Myapp_testsController extends AppController
public function index(){
echo “Hello World.!”;

  1. Create View Folder

Create your view folder here \src\Template"Your Controller name"
in our case: \src\Template\Myapp_tests

  1. Create View File

Navigate to your recently created folder i.e: \src\Template\Myapp_tests
and create a file name index.ctp

and Everything will work now.