[Solved] 🍰 5.1.x / File Upload: uploaded, but moveTo() return NULL

im refering to the documentation on https://book.cakephp.org/5/en/controllers/request-response.html#file-uploads

my situation, my upload works, the file did get uploaded to the targetpath, but the moveTo() method on line 62 still return NULL.

the Error code is 0. i debug everywhere, look at the screenshot below…

anyone ever encounter this? did i missed anything? this should be a straight forward upload script…

maybe the answers in this postings can be helpful for you:

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oh my… it was since 10 years ago!

maybe its my first time using the method, i must have been using the raw move_uploaded_file() all these time… :man_facepalming:t2:

so it IS meant to not return anything if no errors! :smiling_face_with_tear:

guess ill just use is_null checking for this, weird, but thats how it works.

thanks for the link! :+1:t2: