Show categories and posts associated with a subcategory

Good morning,

I would like to display on my homepage categories and the last 10 posts belonging to these categories. That I know how to do.

But my concern is that posts belonging to a subcategory of the displayed category are not retrieved when I would like them to be displayed.

$categories = $this->Categories->find('all')
	->where(['Categories.public'=> true])
		'Videos' => function($q) {
	 	 	 return $q

Can you help me ? thx !

I understand that the limit that I have applies to all the videos found while I would like it to apply to each category.

5 videos / categories displayed
not 5 videos for all displayed categories

Is this what you’re looking for?

It looks like it. It’s a bit complicated for my level. I will study this…

I’m trying to do this a bit blindly in order to understand:

class CategoriesTable extends Table
	public function initialize(array $config): void



		$this->belongsTo('ParentCategories', [
			'className' => 'Categories',
			'foreignKey' => 'parent_id',
		$this->hasMany('ChildCategories', [
			'className' => 'Categories',
			'foreignKey' => 'parent_id',


		$this->hasOne('TopVideos', [
			'className' => 'Videos',
			'strategy' => 'select',
			'conditions' => function (\Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression $exp, \Cake\ORM\Query $query)
					'VideosFilter' => $query
					'TopVideos.category_id = Videos.category_id',
			return [];


But I have this error :

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘Videos.category_id’ in 'on clause

EDIT : It works with this… but I only have one record/categories :frowning:

$this->hasOne('TopAbstracts', [
			'className' => 'Videos',
			'strategy' => 'select',
			'conditions' => function (\Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression $exp, \Cake\ORM\Query $query)
					'VideosFilter' => $query
					//'TopVideos.category_id = Videos.category_id',
			return [];

Maybe the easiest solution is to do something like:

$cats - $this->Cat->find('all',array('recursive'=>-1));
foreach($cats as $key=>$cat){
  $cats[$key]['ArticleCount'] = $this->Cat->Article->find('count',array(

Source : php - Counting number of articles within a category using CakePHP? - Stack Overflow

But it doesn’t look very clean to me…

The custom association examples do only work for a single record, that’s what the original SO question was about. If you want multiple results per group, then use either the plugin, or the manual examples shown at the end.

I find it terribly complicated for a fairly simple request in the end!

In this case you would first collect the subcategories, add the parent category to $cat_array and then use ->where([‘Articles.category_id IN’ => $cat_array])

It works but if I want to display a list of categories with the last 5 posts for each category it’s not easy.

Ideally I would have wanted a foreach $categories and inside a foreach $categories->videos to display this.

yes its still possible just you have to find the subcategories foreach $category and then do a separate find to get the videos, then add them to the original $categories array.
It’s not in one find but it still will work fine, and a user doesnt care if it was done in one query or multiple ones… as long as they can see the end result its ok.