Send back temp information for display

I’m looking for help with sending back temporary information to the controller for display. Works in CakePHP2, looking to replicate in CakePHP4

I have an option, when editing a user, to set a temporary password. If a check box is set then in the beforeSave we create a random password and set the entity;

if ($entity->_randomPassword == true) {
    // Generate password in Office 365 style (Abb00000)
    $password = $this->_randomPassword(1, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ');
    $password .= $this->_randomPassword(2, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
    $password .= $this->_randomPassword(5, '0123456789');
    $entity->password = $password;

All works fine, but I need to pass this random password back to display it on screen. In CakePHP2 we’d just temporarily set in the beforeSave

$this->rawPassword = $password; # Temporarily expose raw password for display

Then access it in the controller

if ($this->MemberPermission->save($this->request->data)) {
     if (isset($this->MemberPermission->rawPassword) === true) {
          $this->Flash->success('The permissions have been saved. The new password is: ' . $this->MemberPermission->rawPassword);

Sadly not quite this easy in CakePHP4

In your $this->rawPassword = $password, what is $this? It should be entirely possible to save this temporarily in your entity.

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Thanks - worked perfectly.

Wasn’t sure I caught change the entity and pass back in this way - had previously tried but must have gotten something mixed up.