Run Cakephp 2.8.9 project

I had project in **Cakephp 2.8.**9 i want to run that project localy i had php version PHP 5.4.4 when i try to run the project i get error how to run that project

Fatal error : Class ‘ExceptionRenderer’ not found in D:\xampp18\htdocs\zr1\Cake\Error\ErrorHandler.php on line **127

Could you please share your code, so we can see how it looks like ?

A screen shot of the error would be great, as it would give more info too.

I had project in **Cakephp 2.8.**9 i want to run that project localy i had php version PHP 5.4.4 when i try to run the project i get error how to run that project

looks like cake cant find your zrl folder. make sure you point Apache (or similar) to the correct folder.

I had corrected the path now getting error like Fatal error : Can’t use method return value in write context in D:\xampp18\htdocs\zr1\app\Controller\AppController.php on line 398

Did you modify your app/Controller/AppController.php ? The original code for Cakephp 2.8 is here.

Maybe you can share your AppController.php file here.

i still have two cakephp 2.x apps running on php8.

all good so far, feel free to connect :+1:t2: