Retrieve Associated models with group by

I have the following query:
$oRProductTypes->select([‘’,‘ProductTypes.description’, ‘totalquantity’=>$oRProductTypes->func()->sum(‘quantity’),‘totalquantitye’=>$oRProductTypes->func()->sum(‘quantitye’)])
that generate the above array:
(int) 0 => [
‘totalquantity’ => (float) 577,
‘totalquantitye’ => (float) 514
(int) 1 => [
‘totalquantity’ => (float) 587,
‘totalquantitye’ => (float) 384
(int) 2 => [
‘totalquantity’ => (float) 781,
‘totalquantitye’ => (float) 429
I dont understand why and ProductTypes.description are not shown on the result. the query generated works on mysql and the columns are shown but with the message that table dont contain a unique column. When in reality is unique because the group by clause.
If someone can help…

For joins and group by I usually just write normal query.

Example of connection manager:

    public static function getDogs()
        $dbh = ConnectionManager::get('default');
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM dc_dogs WHERE `dogid` < :dogid";
        $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
        $params = [':dogid' => 5];
        return $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_OBJ);

You could easily take a more complex query and use:

$sql = "SELECT dc_powners.ownerid, dc_powners.oname, ";
$sql .= "COUNT(dc_pets.petid) AS countOfPets ";
$sql .= "FROM dc_powners LEFT JOIN dc_pets ON ";
$sql .= "dc_powners.ownerid = dc_pets.ownerid ";
$sql .= "GROUP BY dc_powners.ownerid ";
$sql .= "ORDER BY dc_powners.oname";

//   bind, etc here

Results basically give:

ownerid, oname, countOfPets



Me, after years of java I just got used of normal queries.

Remember the ORM converts to normal SQL at run time.