Rector error when upgrade to Cakephp 4

I got a problem with upgrading cakephp from version 3.9 to 4. On rector refactoring i got a next error

 364/576 [=================>----------]  63%
 392/576 [===================>--------]  68%
 420/576 [====================>-------]  72%
 448/576 [=====================>------]  77%
 576/576 [==
 [ERROR] Could not process "Fixture/AccessesFixture.php" file, due to:
         "PHPStan\BetterReflection\Reflection\ReflectionClass "Cake\TestSuite\Fixture\TestFixture" could not be found
         in the located source".

 [ERROR] Could not process "Fixture/AclFixture.php" file, due to:
         "PHPStan\BetterReflection\Reflection\ReflectionClass "Cake\TestSuite\Fixture\TestFixture" could not be found
         in the located source".

and process is frozen. I’ve checked by phpstan package, and fixed all problems, but error still remained. Also the same problem is with refactor src directory.

UPD: PHP 7.3, also tried on WSL Debian - error was remained, but in the end i’ve got message “Rector applied successfully” but nothing to changed