(This is a follow-up to Read data from spatial MySQL field (Point, Polygon ...). Starting a new thread because that one focuses on reading, and my question is both on reading and writing.)
What’s the correct way to read from and write to the Geospatial Types, newly supported in 5.1.0?
What I have
I have a database column that CakePHP recognises as a POINT, so a good start:
'type' => 'point',
'length' => null,
'null' => true,
'default' => null,
'comment' => '',
'precision' => null,
'srid' => null,
The doc (Database Basics - 5.x) says:
Currently they can be defined in migrations, read in schema reflection, and have values set as text.
Does read in schema reflection mean… simply reading the values? Because if I do debug($entity->position)
on a value I previously saved via MySQL Workbench, I get some binary gibberish. But if I then unpack it (as per How to unpack MySQL Multipoint geometry data in PHP? - Stack Overflow), I do get a valid array:
$position = unpack('x/x/x/x/corder/Ltype/dx/dy', $entity->position);
debug($position); // ['order' => (int) 1, 'type' => (int) 1, 'x' => (float) 12.34, 'y' => (float) -56.78,]
Is this how I am supposed to use it? Or should the framework unpack it automatically?
Can’t get writing the POINT as text to work. Tried:
'POINT(10, 15)'
with data intopatchEntity()
:$data = $this->getRequest()->getData(); $data['position'] = 'POINT(10, 15)'; $entity = $myTable->patchEntity($entity, $data); debug($entity->position); // null
Setting an entity property to
'POINT(10, 15)'
directly:$entity->position = 'POINT(10, 15)'; $result = $myTable->save($entity); debug($result);
SQLSTATE[22003]: Numeric value out of range: 1416 Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field
UPDATE my_table SET position = 'POINT(10, 15)' , modified = '2025-02-27 00:00:14' WHERE id = 15
I think it needs to be
SET position = (ST_GeomFromText('POINT(10, 15)'))
Searched CakePHP Github, specifically test cases, for usage examples, but couldn’t find any.
Am I using it wrong?