cakephp public site document root of domain must be in webroot… well what if use cakephp Only in backend and front end have a Non-cakephp site… this front end must reside in webroot??? note this front end linked to database withOut cakephp… but using plain PDO queries…
That’s a bad combo; The idea of course is to only use one framework for one website, not two.
But what framework / cms do you intend to use in the frontend exactly? Or is it something custom built?
I’m positive it’s possible to configure CakePHP in such a way that you can use it alongside something else. But it also depends on what that something else is.
In any case, the “correct” way would be to “merge” the frontend code into CakePHP, but that might be tricky, depending on how complex it is.
The simplest solution would be probably to create a subdomain for the backend and have the front- and backend be in different directories.