Non-static method Cake\Routing\RouteBuilder::scope() cannot be called statically

Non-static method Cake\Routing\RouteBuilder::scope() cannot be called statically

getting error Please let me know this error solution

Make sure your routes.php file is built like

I have done as follows Please what is wrong in my code.

  RouteBuilder::scope('/ContactDetails/add', function (RouteBuilder $routes) {
    //  Prior to 3.5.0 use `extensions()`

I got an error non-static method cake\Routing\RouteBuilder::scope() cannot be called statically.

Don’t call RouteBuilder::scope which is a static method.
Wrap your routes (like the example file) so you always have an object

return static function (RouteBuilder $routes) {

    $routes->scope('/', function (RouteBuilder $builder) {
        $builder->scope('/ContactDetails/add', function (RouteBuilder $routes) {


I follow the same as you mentioned code but i got the error. remove following code

->add(new CsrfProtectionMiddleware([
                'httponly' => true,

I need the react app post data to my cakephp app so that i can store data but i got above error.

You need to add e.g.

  • a X-CSRF-Token HTTP header to your HTTP requests from react which contains the value from the _csrfToken hidden input
  • if its a form you submit via POST you can also just add that _csrfToken value as part of the submitted data

See CSRF Protection - 4.x

But that has nothing to do with your initial problem.