My variable is truncate


I have a problem with my application but i don’t know if it’s a limitation of Cake or PHP.
I think my version of cake is 2.8.3.
In my code, i define my variable in my controler for my view :

$this->set('relationsComptesCategoriesTarifairesADef', $this->RelationCompteCategorieTarifaire->find('all', array( 'conditions' => array('RelationCompteCategorieTarifaire.categorie_tarifaire_id' => null), 'fields '=> array( ' AS id', 'RelationCompteCategorieTarifaire.compte_id AS compte_id', 'RelationCompteCategorieTarifaire.categorie_tarifaire_id AS categorie_tarifaire_id' ))));

But in my view, i have this variables :
relationsComptesCategoriesTarifairesADef (Array) -> 0 (Array) -> 0 (Array) -> RelationCompteCategorieTarifai

My last array is truncate, it should be RelationCompteCategorieTarifaire and not RelationCompteCategorieTarifai

Do you have any idea why this is truncate ?
The column compte_id is often ‘null’ but i don’t think it is the problem.