Join a CakePHP training course - CakePHP 3 training 29th July

Sign-up today for a CakePHP training course and discover the benefits of professional knowledge when it comes to using the framework. This 5 hour session is a fully interactive, facilitator led session, including immediate feedback, guidance and support to the groups needs.

The official CakePHP online training courses provide you the opportunity to learn from the experts in the CakePHP community, from the comfort of your home or office. Our objective is to provide you with the professional knowledge necessary to become an expert yourself, and build amazing applications with minimal effort.

The training is provided by the Cake Development Corporation - and all proceeds from the course (Course fees) go directly back into the CakePHP community and framework.

Awesome! What level is this aimed at?

The training concentrates/starts at a basic level, but goes up to intermediate level, and the facilitator is there is answer and help with any questions you may have a long the way.